The Fee

Detective Agency Vienna Austria, Private detectives, business detectives,personal security,bodyguard vienna,investigations

The Fee

The fee is generally charged on the basis of the hours worked, the kilometres driven and the cash expenses incurred, plus an administrative fee to cover deployment planning, deployment management, reports, discussions, and phone calls.

In some cases we are able to agree to a flat rate charge.

The precise amount of the fee can only be fixed when we know what the full scope of your special case will be.

Important note: The law provides you with the right to claim your entire detective agency costs back from the injuring party in many cases under § 1295 of the Austrian Civil Code (ABGB).

Convince yourself about the quality of the many valuable services we provide.
Helping you is our job. Find out for yourself and contact us.

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„See for yourself the quality of service provided by our detectives. We would be happy to help you in Vienna, throughout Austria and internationally.“

- Patrick Reiterer, Founder

Are you looking for a professional detective?

Then contact us now. Tell us about your problem and we will find a solution as quick as possible and get back to you.

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