Detective Agency Reiterer, Vienna - Austria

Private detectives • Business detectives • Personal security

Profile of the company owner

Years of professional experience in the operative investigation service at home and abroad. International contacts and existing networks allow us to work in a highly professional manner with selected specialized forces within the European Union as well as in third countries.

Broad experience in the entire range of professional detective work with a special focus on observations, investigations and armed personal protection.

Many years of professional success in assuring the security and personal protection of prominent politicians and business people at risk.

Many years of successful witness-stand experience in court hearings.

Full qualification and training in state-of-the-art specialised security and personal protection techniques.

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Professional experience & specialised training in:



Tracing operations

Personal security

Are you looking for a professional detective?

Then contact us now. Tell us about your problem and we will find a solution as quick as possible and get back to you.


Wir haben Ihre Nachricht erhalten und werden uns so rasch wie möglich bei Ihnen melden.
